Mar 28 Mai 2024 - 11:39
J'ai voulu demander un titre, personne m'en a donné, j'avais la flemme, j'ai inventé
Hero’s and villains have similar backstories and go through the same pain and abuse. The difference is how they process pain. A villain will say, ‘the world has shown me nothing but pain, so I will give them pain back. A hero will say, ‘I don’t want anyone else to feel the same pain the world has given to me. Hero’s and villains have similar backstories and go through the same pain and abuse. The difference is how they process pain. A villain will say, ‘the world has shown me nothing but pain, so I will give them pain back. A hero will say, ‘I don’t want anyone else to feel the same pain the world has given to me.Hero’s and villains have similar backstories and go through the same pain and abuse.
The difference is how they process pain. A villain will say, ‘the world has shown me nothing but pain, so I will give them pain back. A hero will say, ‘I don’t want anyone else to feel the same pain the world has given to me.Hero’s and villains have similar backstories and go through the same pain and abuse. The difference is how they process pain. A villain will say, ‘the world has shown me nothing but pain, so I will give them pain back. A hero will say, ‘I don’t want anyone else to feel the same pain the world has given to me.Hero’s and villains have similar backstories and go through the same pain and abuse. The difference is how they process pain. A villain will say, ‘the world has shown me nothing but pain, so I will give them pain back. A hero will say, ‘I don’t want anyone else to feel the same pain the world has given to me.Hero’s and villains have similar backstories and go through the same pain and abuse.
The difference is how they process pain. A villain will say, ‘the world has shown me nothing but pain, so I will give them pain back. A hero will say, ‘I don’t want anyone else to feel the same pain the world has given to me.Hero’s and villains have similar backstories and go through the same pain and abuse. The difference is how they process pain. A villain will say, ‘the world has shown me nothing but pain, so I will give them pain back. A hero will say, ‘I don’t want anyone else to feel the same pain the world has given to me.Hero’s and villains have similar backstories and go through the same pain and abuse. The difference is how they process pain. A villain will say, ‘the world has shown me nothing but pain, so I will give them pain back. A hero will say, ‘I don’t want anyone else to feel the same pain the world has given to me.Hero’s and villains have similar backstories and go through the same pain and abuse.
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<div class="arthurpuarp1">
<!-- Titre --><div class="arthurptitle">J'ai voulu demander un titre, <span>personne m'en a donné</span>, j'avais la flemme, j'ai inventé
<!-- Gif --><img src="https://images2.imgbox.com/5e/99/J1zEZizx_o.gif" class="arthurpimg">
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<!-- Contenu rp --><div class="arthurptxt">Hero’s and villains have similar backstories and go through the same pain and abuse. The difference is how they process pain. A villain will say, ‘the world has shown me nothing but pain, so I will give them pain back. A hero will say, ‘I don’t want anyone else to feel the same pain the world has given to me. Hero’s and villains have similar backstories and go through the same pain and abuse. The difference is how they process pain. A villain will say, ‘the world has shown me nothing but pain, so I will give them pain back. A hero will say, ‘I don’t want anyone else to feel the same pain the world has given to me.Hero’s and villains have similar backstories and go through the same pain and abuse.
The difference is how they process pain. A villain will say, ‘the world has shown me nothing but pain, so I will give them pain back. A hero will say, ‘I don’t want anyone else to feel the same pain the world has given to me.Hero’s and villains have similar backstories and go through the same pain and abuse. The difference is how they process pain. A villain will say, ‘the world has shown me nothing but pain, so I will give them pain back. A hero will say, ‘I don’t want anyone else to feel the same pain the world has given to me.Hero’s and villains have similar backstories and go through the same pain and abuse. The difference is how they process pain. A villain will say, ‘the world has shown me nothing but pain, so I will give them pain back. A hero will say, ‘I don’t want anyone else to feel the same pain the world has given to me.Hero’s and villains have similar backstories and go through the same pain and abuse.
<!-- FIN FICHE RP --></div></div><a href="https://pisrale.forumactif.com/" class="koala">KoalaVolant</a>