Ven 14 Oct 2022 - 9:16
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Do you know where you are when you don't know how the world are? Me neither, so write and create, and we will see later
Pommy ipsum Union Jack old chap, ee bah gum. Cheerio marvelous knee high to a grasshopper i'll be a monkey's uncle by 'eck love could be a bit of a git, utter shambles nowt penny-dreadful, ever so lovely complete mare on the beat. Marmite bits 'n bobs ridiculous bottled it smeg head Essex girls penny-dreadful I'm off to Bedfordshire, curry sauce ask your mother if crumpets grub's up bugger spam fritters for sooth, at the boozer cheesed off 'tis got his end away cotton on sweet fanny adams. Big light sod's law full English breakast and thus by 'eck love naff off air one's dirty linen a tad and damn because there was nothing on the gogglebox make a brew, completely crackers a bottle of plonk flabbergasted ridiculous not some sort of dosshouse what a doddle know your onions tip-top cottage pie ended up brown bread.
Supper dignified double dutch posh nosh queer as a clockwork orange lost the plot off t'shop ey up in the jacksy, copper tallywhacker had a barney with the inlaws old chap hadn't done it in donkey's years bangers and mash bowler hat. See a man about a dog quid horses for courses tosser fish and chips well fit, black cab devonshire cream tea you mean it ain't me noggin' stop arsing around ey up working class, 'tis gallivanting around scrubber the fuzz. Owt bottled it have a butcher's at this tosser terribly therewith 221B Baker Street, morris dancers tip-top pillock numbskull easy peasy. round our gaff scrote.
Supper dignified double dutch posh nosh queer as a clockwork orange lost the plot off t'shop ey up in the jacksy, copper tallywhacker had a barney with the inlaws old chap hadn't done it in donkey's years bangers and mash bowler hat. See a man about a dog quid horses for courses tosser fish and chips well fit, black cab devonshire cream tea you mean it ain't me noggin' stop arsing around ey up working class, 'tis gallivanting around scrubber the fuzz. Owt bottled it have a butcher's at this tosser terribly therewith 221B Baker Street, morris dancers tip-top pillock numbskull easy peasy. round our gaff scrote.
- Code:
<link href="https://coderps.xyz/codesrps3/chase4rp.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /><link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Lato:wght@300;400&display=swap" rel="stylesheet"><style>:root{ --chase4-border:linear-gradient(to left, #9C9CBE, #c9b7d5); --chase4-fond:url('https://i.servimg.com/u/f30/19/45/51/53/eberha11.jpg'); } .koala{display:flex; justify-content:center; font-size:8px; letter-spacing:5px; }</style><div class="chaserp4"><div class="chaseTitre">Do you know where you are when you don't know how the world are? Me neither, so write and create, and we will see later</div><div class="chaseContent"><div class="chaseImg"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/qQcDeeF.jpg"/><img src="https://i.servimg.com/u/f30/19/45/51/53/chasou10.jpg"/></div>Pommy ipsum Union Jack old chap, ee bah gum. Cheerio marvelous knee high to a grasshopper i'll be a monkey's uncle by 'eck love could be a bit of a git, utter shambles nowt penny-dreadful, ever so lovely complete mare on the beat. Marmite bits 'n bobs ridiculous bottled it smeg head Essex girls penny-dreadful I'm off to Bedfordshire, curry sauce ask your mother if crumpets grub's up bugger spam fritters for sooth, at the boozer cheesed off 'tis got his end away cotton on sweet fanny adams. Big light sod's law full English breakast and thus by 'eck love naff off air one's dirty linen a tad and damn because there was nothing on the gogglebox make a brew, completely crackers a bottle of plonk flabbergasted ridiculous not some sort of dosshouse what a doddle know your onions tip-top cottage pie ended up brown bread.
Supper dignified double dutch posh nosh queer as a clockwork orange lost the plot off t'shop ey up in the jacksy, copper tallywhacker had a barney with the inlaws old chap hadn't done it in donkey's years bangers and mash bowler hat. See a man about a dog quid horses for courses tosser fish and chips well fit, black cab devonshire cream tea you mean it ain't me noggin' stop arsing around ey up working class, 'tis gallivanting around scrubber the fuzz. Owt bottled it have a butcher's at this tosser terribly therewith 221B Baker Street, morris dancers tip-top pillock numbskull easy peasy. round our gaff scrote.</div>
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